Nuriyeva Nuranə Məmməd qızı
Həkim-oftalmoloq, baş laborant
- Şöbə
- Şəkərli diabetin göz fəsadları üzrə bölməsi
- Təhsili
- 1996-2001 - Azərbaycan Tibb Universiteti
1996-1997 - İnternatura - 4 № li Şəhər klinik xəstəxanasında
İştirak etdiyi kurs və seminarlar:
ESL-Graduate. English as a second language. New York City Department of Education, New York, USA (2003)
Practical course in Laser coagulation of retina in “Moscow Science Research Institute of Eye Diseases” named after Helmhotz, Moscow, Russia (April 2007), Received Certificate of Successful Completion
Diabetic Retinopathy, high myopia in “Moscow Science Research Institute of Eye Diseases” named after Helmhotz, Moscow, Russia (Mart 2007)
Columbia University in the city of New York, U.S.A.
Department of ophthalmology of the New York Presbyterian hospital, Columbia University Medical Center. (General Ophthalmology, Retina: (Diabetic retinopathy, AMD, vitrektomy and etc), New York, USA(November-December 2007)
Optic Coherent Tomography (OCT) and Vitreo-retinal pathology
Research Institute of Eye Diseases” named after Helmhotz,Moscow, Russia (April 2009)
Medical Retina and Fluorescent angiography. MNTK of ophthalmology named after academician Fedorov, Moscow, Russia (March 2009)
WELL-CORNELL Salzburg Ophthalmology Seminar. Austria, Salzburg (April 2010)
WET-LAB “Microsurgery of cataract” Microsurgery training in lab. Azerbaijan National Ophthalmology Center named after ak.Z.Aliyeva. Baku, Azerbaijan (July 2011)
WET-LAB “Phacoemulsification of cataract” surgery training in special facilitated lab. Almaty, Kazakhstan(September 2011)
MACULA 2012 Seminar. Actual problems of macula and their treatments. Rostov on Don, Russia (May 2012)
MACULA 2014 Seminar. Actual problems of macula and their treatments. Rostov on Don, Russia (May 2014)
Narayana Nethralaya Eye Clinic, Phacoemulsification surgery training course (already received a confirmation) Surgical training from 1st - to 30th November 2015, Bangalore, India.
MACULA 2016 Seminar. Actual problems of macula and their treatments. Rostov on Don, Russia (May 2016)
Salzburg Weil Cornell Seminar inOphthalmology, May, 2017 , Salzburg, Austria
- Elmi fəaliyyət
- İş fəaliyyəti
- 2005-ci ildən Zərifə Əliyeva adına Milli Oftalmologiya Mərkəzində çalışır.